John Charcol's Complimentary Home Setup Service
Moving home is a busy and stressful time. Setting up household bills, notifying suppliers and organising removals usually takes hours to sort out – especially if you want to find the best deals. We want you to move in and start enjoying your property as soon as possible, that’s why John Charcol now offer all our customers a complimentary move-in service.
Our partner Just Move In are experts in moving home and will manage the entire moving ordeal; from the move itself to setting up your broadband, they’ll organise it for you, completely free of charge. Most people will save around £300 a year and up to 8 hours of hassle by using their service. Together, John Charcol and Just Move In can guide you through the whole process – from the very beginning of your mortgage application to the day you move into your new home. We take care of it all for you.
Just Move In can also help you set up any of the following:

Council tax

Water & sewerage






What Is the Concierge Process?
Fill in the form below to schedule your initial no-obligation call with Just Move In. In your first conversation, the Just Move In team will explain their complimentary home move-in/out service and help you decide which of the services could be beneficial to you.
Once you’ve chosen the services you want, you’ll be introduced to your very own dedicated concierge manager. They’ll keep you updated about the progress of your agreed actions every step of the way via email, so you can have everything sorted by the time you move in.
Two months after the move-in date Just Move In will check back with you to make sure you’re happy with the care you’ve received and that all your services have been set up properly.