Credit problems can be set even the most financially savvy person. Debts and repayment issues might affect your ability to lend more money in the future and can impact the decisions of banks on whether they’ll allow you to remortgage your property. Remortgaging after a CCJ (county court judgement) can have repercussions, although it’s still possible. 

To jump through the hoops you’ll be presented with, you need to prepare your remortgage application meticulously and make sure you’re aware of what the banks will ask you. Read on as we highlight the steps you can take to organise your credit report in the run-up to your remortgage application. 

What Is a CCJ (County Court Judgement)?

A CCJ (County Court Judgment) is issued against you by a creditor in an attempt to reclaim funds you have failed to pay. Depending on the judgment from the court, you may be offered the chance to settle the debt within 30 days. If you repay the debt, you can apply to the Register of Judgments and Fines, where the CCJ will be removed from the public register and your credit file. 

If you’re unable to repay the debt within the given timeframe, the CCJ will remain on your record for 6 years. This will impact your ability to apply for credit, including getting a remortgage on your property.

Can You Remortgage with a CCJ?

The short answer is yes, you can remortgage your house with a CCJ, but it’s going to be more challenging. Recently, more lenders have been prepared to offer mortgage products to applicants with CCJs on their credit file. There are also some lenders who specialise in securing remortgages for those with adverse credit, but you will need to do your research to find out which lenders are more open to these types of applications. Our Bad Credit and Your Mortgage Options Guide may be helpful.

If you’re able to pay off the debt before the 30 day deadline, the CCJ might not even appear on your record anymore, leaving you free to apply for a remortgage without facing any issues. If it still appears, and you have repaid the debt, you can pay £15 to the credit agencies to add a “notice of correction” to your report. This can maximise your chances of remortgaging, as the potential impact of the CCJ will be mitigated.

If you’re applying for a remortgage once the 6 year expiration date for the CCJ has passed, it should automatically be removed from your credit file, leaving you free to apply for a remortgage without any issues. 

If you’re attempting to remortgage while the CCJ is still on your credit file, you’ll need to work harder to secure a new mortgage product. While more lenders are willing to offer remortgages to borrowers with CCJs, they’ll still want to investigate it. Some will only be concerned with when the CCJ was applied, and others will want to know why it occurred. A lender might want to know whether your CCJ was linked to a previous mortgage or your property. They may also be interested in whether you have a history of poor credit management or whether you’ve taken steps to improve this over time.

Are CCJ Mortgage Interest Rates More Expensive?

Yes, CCJ mortgage interest rates are typically higher than standard mortgage rates. Lenders perceive applicants with CCJs as higher risk, leading to increased interest rates to offset potential financial uncertainty. However, the exact rate depends on factors such as the size and age of the CCJ, credit history and deposit amount.

Can I Still Remortgage If I Have a Judgement in Default?

A judgement in default is a CCJ that has been applied to your credit report without you being in attendance at court. 

If you do have an existing ‘judgement in default’ CCJ, you’re going to find yourself paying higher interest rates on your home loan.

To give lenders an opportunity to see that you’re managing your credit more successfully, ensure that you’re not regularly applying for credit and that you’re in receipt of a steady regular income.

Does the Size of the CCJ Affect My Chance of Remortgaging?

The time that has passed since the CCJ was applied is perhaps the most important factor, but the amount of the debt is still a consideration. For a CCJ that has been awarded within the last 12 months, the debt will need to be less than £3,000 for a lender to be more lenient when considering your application. If the CCJ was awarded for a missed payment greater than £2,500, and it was within the last couple of years, it will significantly impact your chance of being awarded a remortgage by a mainstream lender. 

The other aspect of your CCJ that will interest the prospective lender is whether the CCJ is satisfied or not. This means whether the debt has been cleared. If the debt is cleared, remortgaging will be less complicated.

Who Can Help with a CCJ Remortgage?

If you find yourself in a position where you want to remortgage your property, you might want to acquaint yourself with a mortgage advisor. Here at John Charcol, we can help you search the market for a product that will suit your economic circumstances. An advisor can help you assess your finances and ensure you understand the implications of and terms of the mortgage before you proceed. We understand the complexities of remortgaging and can navigate you through the intricacies of remortgaging with a CCJ.

Making an application for a mortgage loan is not always going to be as easy if you have a CCJ, but it’s manageable. In circumstances such as these, you may find securing the services of a mortgage broker can help navigate you through the choppy waters. 

Call us today on 0330 433 2927 or request a call back, and an adviser will talk through all your options with you.

Remortgage Deals

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Remortgaging Guide

Remortgaging means to switch to a new deal with a different lender but stay in the same property. Learn about remortgage costs, valuations and see our advice.

Remortgage Calculator

Here you’ll find our free remortgage calculator which helps you work out how much you could potentially save each month if you remortgaged onto a new rate.

How to Find the Best Remortgage Rates and Remortgage Deals

Learn how to find the best remortgage rates & remortgage deals here. We go through what to consider when comparing deals, which lenders there are & more.

How Much Can I Borrow on a Remortgage?

Find out how much you could borrow on a remortgage in our guide. We go through how lenders determine what to lend you, how LTVs work and more.

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Interest-Only Calculator

Try our interest-only calculator to work out how much your monthly interest payments will be based on what you want to borrow and your mortgage rate.

Mortgage Glossary

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There are many valid reasons to remortgage. If you’re considering remortgaging your home but need help finding the right option for you, contact John Charcol. Our team of experienced mortgage advisers can recommend a range of remortgage options to suit you. Request a call back or call us on 0330 433 2927 to get in touch.