Can I Get Life Insurance with Critical Illness?

Yes, you can get life insurance with critical illness cover. This type of policy combines the benefits of both life insurance and critical illness insurance, providing a comprehensive protection plan. With this combined policy, you’re covered in the event of your death, as well as if you’re diagnosed with a specified critical illness. It offers a lump sum payout for either situation, helping to ensure financial security for you and your loved ones.

Does Life Insurance Include Critical Illness Cover?

Not all life insurance policies automatically include critical illness cover. Typically, critical illness cover is offered as an optional add-on or rider to a standard life insurance policy. This means you will need to specifically request and pay an additional premium to include critical illness cover in your life insurance policy. It’s important to check the details of your policy to understand what is included and what additional coverage options are available. One of our protection advisors will be able to help you with this.

Do I Get Critical Illness and Life Insurance Cover Separately?

You have the option to get life and critical illness insurance cover separately or as a combined policy.

Here are the differences:

  • Combined policy: this includes both life insurance and critical illness cover under one policy. It can be more convenient and sometimes more cost-effective to manage, as you only have one premium to pay and one policy to maintain
  • Separate policies: you can also choose to have separate life insurance and critical illness insurance policies. This can offer more flexibility in terms of coverage options and benefits. For instance, if you only want coverage for critical illness without the life insurance component, separate policies allow you to customize your protection to suit your specific needs

Can I Get Critical Illness Insurance Only?

Yes, you can get critical illness insurance only, without having to purchase life insurance or other cover. This standalone policy provides financial protection solely for the diagnosis of a critical illness covered by the policy, for example, cancer or a heart attack.

If you prefer not to include life insurance or if you already have adequate life insurance coverage, a standalone critical illness insurance policy can be a suitable option. It will provide a lump sum payout upon diagnosis of a covered illness, which you can use for medical expenses, living costs, or other financial needs during your recovery.

For personalized advice and assistance in selecting the right insurance policy for your needs, including life insurance with critical illness cover or standalone critical illness insurance, contact John Charcol Mortgage Broker. Our experienced advisors are here to help you navigate your options and secure the best protection for you and your family. Get in touch with us now on 0333 363 6507.