My Partner is a First Time Buyer but I'm Not - Can We Get a First Time Buyer Mortgage?

Answered on 2 June 2018

I have a flat in my name only valued at £64.5k with a £30k mortgage. I am recently married and my wife and I would like to purchase a house. As she does not and has never owned a property, is it possible to get a FTB mortgage in our joint names?

I am not a first time buyer but my partner is- can we get a FTB mortgage?

Most lenders wouldn't consider letting you have a product specifically for first time buyers if you are already a homeowner, and particularly so if you are to be the first named applicant on the mortgage.

First time buyer vs next-time buyer

Some lenders do offer deals that are solely for first time buyers, however many don't differentiate and the rate is the same whether first or next-time buyer.

If you'd like to find out more about what options may be open to you, then please call us on0330 433 2927.

Ask The Mortgage Experts answers are based on the information provided and do not constitute advice under the Financial Services & Markets Act. They reflect the personal views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views, positions, strategies or opinions of John Charcol. All comments are made in good faith, and John Charcol will not accept liability for them. We recommend you seek professional advice with regard to any of these topics where appropriate.
