6 Tips When Applying for Planning Permission to Extend Your Home

Written on 24 July 2018 by Robyn Clark

We've known for quite some time that clients often prefer to stay put and improve, rather than pack up and move their homes.

How to apply for planning permission

Making a planning application for full planning consent to the relevant local authority isn’t rocket science! You can often apply online or on paper using the relevant forms but your application will need to be accompanied by the necessary plans of the site, so unless you’re an architect who understand planning permission in your local area getting a good architect will be your first consideration. So we asked our friends at Urbanist Architecture for their top tips to consider when applying for planning permission:

1)  Create good design

Design is the most important factor when applying for planning permission and this should be considered carefully at all stages of your project. It is absolutely crucial that a smart design is finalised by taking into account all of the local, regional and the national planning policies.

Good design should be like a mediator between policy and ambition. This is why it is the most important part of any planning application in London. Be it a small extension or a grand new build, good design should always include appropriate scaling, smart layout and should strive to protect and enhance the character of our environment.

2)  Make sure your design fits into context

This is especially important if you live in a conservation area. Conservation areas are typically designated by the local planning authority, but Historic England can designate conservation areas in London. It is important that all new development in conservation areas should be sympathetic to the special architectural and aesthetic qualities of the area, particularly in terms of scale, design, materials and space between buildings. The way in which your application is presented is crucial so it’s best to work with an architect who understands planning permission in your local area.

3)  Comply with Planning Policies

You will need to show that the design of your development has progressed in accordance with all relevant policy implications under the the National Planning Policy Framework, The London Plan (if you live in Greater London), and locally adopted policies within your council.

There are also various other mandatory documents which need to follow your application depending on the development you are undertaking. These include a transport statement/assessment, flood risk assessment, daylight assessment and the list goes on. The stronger the documentation, the closer you are to achieving your goal in terms of planning.

4)  Submit accurate Planning Drawings

The planning drawings illustrate the architectural features of your property and technical side of your project such as the wall thicknesses, doors, windows, roof detail etc. The meticulous drawings must portray all elements of your proposal – all to the accuracy of a millimetre.

If in any drawing one corner of a wall is measured and documented incorrectly, the whole project will be affected and miscommunicated – so this is something you should be extremely careful of. You don’t really want to end up with a structure or combination of weird slopes and angles with bits of wall sticking out and furniture not fitting in.

5)  Befriend the officer

Make sure your architect and planning consultant follows everything the officer requires throughout the 6-8 weeks. Every officer has their own way of doing things and they may not be the easiest type to negotiate with.

It helps that your architect or planning consultant has a good set of social qualities and knows how to woo your planning officer!

They should be in contact with the planning department as frequently as possible to stay up to date with the stages and meeting discussions.

6)  Work with ARB Registered Architects

The title “Architect” is a protected title in the UK. The law requires those who use it to be registered with the Architect’s Registration Board (ARB) after undergoing 7 years of architectural education and a minimum of a further 2 years working in the industry.

This is important: Cheap architect drawing providers who are not fully qualified Architects use different variations of the word. These include “Architectural Designer” or “Draftsman”. If the architecture company you are using isn’t registered with Architect’s Registration Board (ARB), you should ask why.You may consider a registered London architect as an expense when in fact, they are a critical value-add. A registered architect will add aesthetics, functionality and value to your property. These are all vitally important to making sure that the project has the highest value possible when built.

Once you’ve got planning permission approved the team at John Charcol can help look at what your options are for raising money from your home, these options can include:

  • Remortgage: if you’re at the end of a fixed term mortgage you could remortgage to release some of the equity in your current house and take advantage of the low rates that are currently available.
  • Second charge mortgage:Second charge mortgages are often called second mortgages because they have secondary priority behind your main (or first charge) mortgage. They are a secured loan, which means they use the borrower’s home as security and are popular if you are tied in to your current mortgage, and aim to repay the second charge via a remortgage when your main deal expires.
  • Further Advance: It may be that if you are doing smaller works you can get the finance from a further advance on your current mortgage deal.

To speak with one of the team here at John Charcol call us now on: 0330 433 2927 or enquire here

Categories:Remortgaging, Robyn Clark