Found a property that doesn't meet standard lending criteria? Find out about specialist property mortgages and finance here. Excellent 4.88 Average rating Speak to a Mortgage Advisor Fill out…
On this page you’ll find our free and easy-to-use interest-only calculator. This calculator will help you work out how much your monthly interest payments will be based on how much you want to…
On this page you’ll find our free and easy to use remortgage calculator which helps you work out how much you could potentially save each month and year if you remortgaged onto a new rate. …
Self-employed or a contractor? Try our free and easy-to-use contractor and self-employed mortgage calculator below to see how much you could borrow for your mortgage. Self-Employed…
For many people, saving up for a deposit is often the most challenging part of buying a property, especially if you're a first time buyer. Saving a large deposit will give you the best chance of…
Expat Mortgage Calculator How Does an Expat Mortgage Calculator Work? Simply enter your income (in pound sterling equivalent) based on your employment status to work out how much you could…
If you're in the market for a new home, you'll likely need to take out a mortgage. And if you have your eyes set on a maisonette, you may be wondering if you can get a mortgage on a maisonette. …
Discovering that the property you’re looking to buy is on contaminated land can be extremely worrying. For many buyers, it can put them off purchasing the property. However, even if a property is…
Being away from home as a student you might imagine that you’ll be halls of residence in first year, followed by a shared rental in a flat for however long it takes you to finally graduate. It…
Here we go through the different government mortgage deposit schemes – from the Help to Buy Mortgage Guarantee Scheme to LISAs, Shared Ownership and more. Speak to a Mortgage Advisor Fill out…