63 results:

What Impact Could the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Have on the UK Property Market?

What Impact Could the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Have on the UK Property Market?

What Impact Could the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Have on the UK Property Market? The shocking events of the last couple of days, in which Russia began their invasion of Ukraine, have left many…

New Tax Rules to Avoid Holiday Lets Abuse

New Tax Rules to Avoid Holiday Lets Abuse

New Tax Rules to Avoid Holiday Lets Abuse Michael Gove has announced new rules from April 2023 which are designed to prevent tax abuse by some owners of second homes in England. Michael Gove has…

Autumn Budget 2021

Autumn Budget 2021

Autumn Budget 2021 Yields have fallen sharply across the board, with the biggest decreases at the long end, suggesting that the market is now taking a more positive view of longer term inflationary…

What Do Current Housing Trends Mean for the Market? Update and Survey Results

What Do Current Housing Trends Mean for the Market? Update and Survey Results

What Do Current Housing Trends Mean for the Market? Update and Survey Results We carried out a survey through YouGov where we looked at how important the Stamp Duty holiday was to people considering…

How Have House Prices Changed Over the Last Year and What Does the Future Hold?

How Have House Prices Changed Over the Last Year and What Does the Future Hold?

How Have House Prices Changed Over the Last Year and What Does the Future Hold? The June annual house price increase of 13.4% will be the peak for this cycle. The June annual house price increase of…

How Long Will the Mortgage Guarantee Scheme Last?

How Long Will the Mortgage Guarantee Scheme Last?

How Long Will the Mortgage Guarantee Scheme Last? Government intervention can be helpful in the short term to address a problem but once adequate private sector alternatives become readily available…

Ray Boulger’s 2021 Forecasts

Ray Boulger’s 2021 Forecasts

Ray Boulger’s 2021 Forecasts The Nationwide house price index was 6.7% up in the first 11 months of 2020 and the UKHPI (UK House Price Index) annual increase to October was 5.4%. I expect prices to…

Impact of a Big Stamp Duty Cut

Impact of a Big Stamp Duty Cut

Impact of a Big Stamp Duty Cut The report in yesterday’s Times that the Chancellor will tomorrow increase the nil rate SDLT (Stamp Duty Land Tax) band to £500,000 for a limited period - probably a…

The Effects of COVID-19: Valuations

The Effects of COVID-19: Valuations

The Effects of COVID-19: Valuations Following imposition of the lock down, unforeseen consequences in the housing market, as everything else, are becoming more apparent every day. Following…

The Effects of COVID-19: Bank Rate is Cut to 0.1%

The Effects of COVID-19: Bank Rate is Cut to 0.1% Today (19/03/2020) the Bank Rate fell to 0.01% after falling to 0.25% on Tuesday. Now could be the time to remortgage or port. Although the UK and…

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