63 results:

Why has Santander launched a new reversion rate?

Why has Santander launched a new reversion rate?

Why has Santander launched a new reversion rate? Santander has announced that it is cutting its revert to rate by 0.99% for all new mortgages from 23 January 2018, a decision that is said to have…

Outlook 2018: Predictions for the UK Housing Market and Interest Rates

Outlook 2018: Predictions for the UK Housing Market and Interest Rates

Outlook 2018: Predictions for the UK Housing Market and Interest Rates Despite a partial recovery from the 859,000 housing transactions recorded in 2009, current transaction levels remain a long way…

Final Rules from the PRA on BTL Mortgages

Final Rules from the PRA on BTL Mortgages

Final Rules from the PRA on BTL Mortgages Following its consultation exercise the PRA has today announced its final rules for BTL mortgages, with few changes from the draft proposals announced 6…

Brexit: 3 months on from the vote

Brexit: 3 months on from the vote In the post Brexit world (or at least post the decision to Brexit, as the actual deed is still well over 2 years away) little has changed in the housing market 3…

EU Referendum: the day after the vote

EU Referendum: the day after the vote

EU Referendum: the day after the vote Whatever the result of the referendum it will have huge political implications for the rest of the European Union as well as the United Kingdom. Clearly these…

How Will The 3% Stamp Duty Surcharge Affect Let to Buy?

How Will The 3% Stamp Duty Surcharge Affect Let to Buy?

How Will The 3% Stamp Duty Surcharge Affect Let to Buy? The following question received from a reader raises an interesting question which will be relevant to many others and so I thought publishing…

Can Adult Children Living at Home Prevent Parents from Getting a Mortgage?

Can Adult Children Living at Home Prevent Parents from Getting a Mortgage?

Can Adult Children Living at Home Prevent Parents from Getting a Mortgage? I was recently approached by a journalist and asked whether I had heard of parents struggling to get a mortgage if their…

Ageism in the Mortgage Market

Ageism in the Mortgage Market

Ageism in the Mortgage Market When older borrowers approach the end of their mortgage term most lenders will grant an extension of 6 months or a year, if requested, but will charge their SVR rather…

Swap Rates and Fixed Rate Pricing Start to Diverge

Swap Rates and Fixed Rate Pricing Start to Diverge

Swap Rates and Fixed Rate Pricing Start to Diverge Over the last fortnight there has been some jockeying of positions on 2 year fixed rates, with some rates being increased and others decreased.…

The housing and mortgage markets for the last 60 years

The housing and mortgage markets for the last 60 years

The housing and mortgage markets for the last 60 years John Charcol can’t claim to have been providing mortgage advice over the whole of the last 60 years but, having been formed in 1974, we believe…

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