744 results:

Can I Convert My Mortgage to Buy-to-Let?

Can I Convert My Mortgage to Buy-to-Let? There are 2 main options when you want to let out a property with a residential mortgage on it – either you obtain consent to let from your current lender, or…

The Old Relationship Between Libor, Swap Rates and Mortgage Rates Has Broken Down

The Old Relationship Between Libor, Swap Rates and Mortgage Rates Has Broken Down

The Old Relationship Between Libor, Swap Rates and Mortgage Rates Has Broken Down 2 years ago few people had heard of Libor, the London Interbank Offered Rate, let alone knew what it was. Most…

Zoopla finds a clever way round the new HIP rules

Zoopla finds a clever way round the new HIP rules

Zoopla finds a clever way round the new HIP rules An interesting spat has developed between the website Zoopla and The Association of Home Information Pack Providers (AHIPP). This follows the…

Beware of dealing with First National and igroup

Beware of dealing with First National and igroup

Beware of dealing with First National and igroup GE Money’s 2 mortgage brands, First National and igroup, sent us emails yesterday evening saying that they were going to put two fingers up at the…

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